[Year 12 Trigonometric Functions] Research assignment investigation, using tidal waves to model data. 

BACKROUND INFO: (Answer from question a)

Tidal waves such as the one below do not really follow a normal trigonometric graph of the form $y= k cos at+ c$

So the behaviour of the data instead that prevents us from using the trigonometric function above is that: cos is a periodic function, the graph provided is not. And the maximum and minimums are not the same for each period.

b) Use graphing software to investigate graphs in the form $y=ksin(at+θ) + lsin(bt+θ)+c$. Explain briefly why these graphs may better model the data that you see. (3 marks worth)

c) Using the graph provided above, come up with an equation in the form $y=ksin(at+θ) + lsin(bt+θ)+c$ that models the data more closely than the standard trigonometric function. (use graphing software again here) (5 marks worth)
  • Very low bounty!

    • This takes at least an hour and a half work, so $90+ bounty!

    • Here I will add 20$, that is the most I can do. I am really sorry.

  • I don't have that much money unfortunately

  • Martin Martin

    the bounty is too low for the amount of work needed

    • I'm sorry could someone at least do part of it, so I know how to start it? Unfortunately I am unable to add to the bounty at the current time.

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