Confused on this graph question, not sure how to reduce it to linear and It looks too wonky to draw a best fit line, probably won't take long

Looking for a detailed step by step solution if possible, it's just an awkward question and I can't figure it out at all


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Kav10 Kav10
  • Amcg0 Amcg0

    L=kv^n? Is it not supposed to be just l=kvn or am I missing something but the way you have done it does make good sense.

    • Kav10 Kav10

      Yes, L=kV^n is the formula and I think that’s what the question meant. This is a book example and the formula has the power n for voltage. If it was L=kvn, it would not make sense.

  • Amcg0 Amcg0

    Thank you for the help I'll make sure to get it clarified,

    • Kav10 Kav10

      Yes, please clarify. If the question really wants L=kVn, it can be solved with the same approach, finding the gradient of the line, and … let me know.

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