Representation theory 2 questions


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  • Dynkin Dynkin

    Correction: "Because of yx=(xx)yx(yy^3)=x(xy)(yx)y^3)=..." ---- This should be yx=(xx)yx(yy^3)=x(xy)(xy)y^3 = ...

  • Jbuck Jbuck

    Thanks! By $V*$, you mean the dual space of $V$, right?

  • Dynkin Dynkin

    Yes, if V is a representation then V* denotes the dual representation (whose underlying vector space is the dual space of the underlying vector space of V)

  • Jbuck Jbuck

    Hello there, are you available to answer some more questions sometime today?

  • Jbuck Jbuck

    They're related to fields and galois theory

  • Dynkin Dynkin

    Sorry, I missed it. But I also never got around to learning Galois theory, so probably wouldn't have been able to provide good answers.

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