need help on a quiz about alogrithms and proof by induction (CS)

Hi I must take a quiz in the next 20 hours and wanted to check if anyone here feels confident in that subject (I don't know the length of the quiz but I'm going to compensate accordingly), 1 or 2 questions where one must prove by induction that the algorithms are equivalent and a code analysis question.

example problem:

  • Your post is sort of vague. I would suggest stating the exact time where you would be posting your questions. There are many users who answer discrete math questions here (including myself), and if your bounty is high enough, most likely that your questions will be answered. Post your questions as early as possible, and allow as much time as you can.

  • Ugher Ugher

    I mean once I start the quiz I can't really pause it, thus I wanted to find someone ahead of time

  • I understand, but I don't think someone can claim that they would be able to solve problems before actually seeing them. Allow some time so users can see this post, and state the time you are going to post so more users can view your problems in time when they are posted. You should try to make you post as predictable s possible. Posting some sample/similar questions may also help.

  • Ugher Ugher

    alright, I will do that

  • The sample problem seems quite mathematical, and easy to be proved by induction. It might be a good idea to state the time (and the time zone) when you will be posting.

  • Erdos Erdos

    I should also be able to help.

  • Ugher Ugher

    Hello Phil, can you do tomorrow at 9am west coast time ?

  • Erdos Erdos

    Yes, I'll try to be around.

  • Ugher Ugher

    cool, I will message you here tomorrow morning between 9 and 10

  • Erdos Erdos

    I will try to be around, but can't promise. Hope ather users will also be able to help in case I can't make it.

  • Orange Orange

    I should also be able to help, so I'll try to be around 9am west coast time on here as well.

  • Erdos Erdos

    Are you posting soon? It's past 9 AM!

  • Ugher Ugher

    yeah it's been moved to 2pm (extended), when are you best available ?

  • Ugher Ugher

    Orange, how do you feel about problems like these:

  • Erdos Erdos

    I might be. Can't promise: )

    • Ugher Ugher

      Hi Phil, it's me again, I have a quiz (it's a very easy one) in 8 hours (10:30am west coast), would you be able to help ? I know it's a really short notice so I'm thinking 50 dollars, it's gonna be 4 questions and we have an hour and 15 minutes to take it. Let me know.

    • Ugher Ugher

      forgot to add it's on basic probability (like literally first two lectures type of stuff) like the multiplication method and nPr and nCr

  • Ugher Ugher

    alright, I will get it started around 2:30 and I will post here an hour before I start, if all goes according to the plan then I will ask you induction questions and if I find someone to help will code analysis, split the work.

  • Ugher Ugher

    also thank you for your patience, I remember you helped me out on linear algebra quizes a year ago )

  • Ugher Ugher

    I posted the question

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