You have 100 feet of cardboard. You need to make a box with a square bottom, 4 sides, but no top.

You have 100 feet of cardboard. You need to make a box with a square bottom, 4 sides, but no top. (a) What is the volume of the box in terms of its height H and its bottom side S? (b) What is the area of the box (square base and 4 sides) in terms of H and S? (c) What is the maximum volume of the box you can make?

  • Erdos Erdos

    If possible, extend the deadline of your questions. Ideally 24 hours.

  • Thanks, Phillip. I will remember this for next time. I'm just trying to get these questions answered as quickly as possible. I know a question like this only takes about 10 minutes. I'd do it myself but I'm pressed for time!

  • Erdos Erdos

    No worries, we'll get them done.


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