Parametric, Polar, and Vector-Valued Equations for Kav10
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- The answer was evaluated as being 100% correct by the judge.
2 Attachments
Hey, I am finally home. Sorry for the delay. Are you available for the 3 FRQ regarding Sums and Infinite Series? There are 2:30 hours available for it after opening the questions.
No worries. Yes, ready. Let's go.
What I heard is that it is a 3 question that has 3-4 parts (A,B, C) and it's mostly a Test for convergence, the interval of convergence, Taylor, alternating series and power series.
OK. Sounds good. It will most likely take all the 2:30 hours. But, let me see the questions first.
So $100 for it is good?
If it takes 2:30 hours, a fair bounty is $150, and I will get $120 (Matchmaticians gets $30 off of it).
Also, just a heads up, for the Ratio test, can you test the endpoints? by plugging them back blah blah blah? And for Absolute convergence just give a tiny justification when needed. Opening it now!!!
150 is definetelly too high for me, what about $120?
If you do $120, I will get less than $100. If you think that's fair, let's go.
Actually, let's see, I will set 2 hours for now; if you use more, I will tip you! Is that okay?
The questions you posted are tough. Let me see how much I can solve in your short timeframe.
- answered
- $45.00
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I will tip you for these questions!!! There is no deadline for these, so do it whenever you are available!!!
I will tip you $20