Differential Equations- Initial Value Problem
I have my general solution but the initial condition is $y(0)=y_0$. How do I know what $y_0$ is?
\[y'=-y+5, y(0)=y_0. \]
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Let me know if you need any clarifications.
I have my general solution then, but my constant isn’t given. I’m just given that x=0 but I need to solve for c but I can’t do that because y0 isn’t a number?
y_0 has to be given and it can not be solved. Do you have any other information given?
The question quotes “Solve each of the following initial value problems and plot the solutions for several values of Yo. Then describe in a few words how the solutions resemble, and differ from, each other.” I would assume that I’m assuming different values for y(0) and drawing a direction field.
y_0 in indeed a number.
Your question is not clear. Why don't you post a picture of the question?
I though i did
I posted the picture. It’s question 1 a
I revised the answer and added some comments at the end.
Thank you. Sorry for the confusion
I am glad I was able to clarify :)
- answered
- $5.00
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