Electrical circuit Analysis 

How would this be solved? I am getting stuck trying to use nodal analysis. I keep getting the values of V_1 and V_2 wrong (Look in attachment to see how I named my nodes). However I get V_3 and I_x correct, which really confuses me.

The assignment
My equations
  • Questions at this level should generally come with a bounty, otherwise you may not get a response.

    • Thats fair, worth a try tho. As i have done all the equations and calculations. I found that V_1 and V_2 are incorrect however my Ix and V_3 are the correct values

    • I see. In order to solve this question carefully, one needs to write a linear system of equations and solve it using matrix algebra. You are basically expecting someone to spend at least 30 minutes of their time to answer this question.

  • M F H M F H

    You have a problem with the signs. I don't know which convention you want to use, I think both are possible, but you must decide whether positive current flows from higher potential to lower potential or the other way.

    • M F H M F H

      For your V2 (which is V0) you count negative the 3A I.e., you say that they flow "out" of the point at potential V0 = V2, say that should be > 0, to the ground (potential 0). Therefore, if V1 < V2, the current (V2 - V1)/ 6 should also "flow out", and in the same way, and also (V2-V3)/3 should be there with a - sign, just as for the 3 A = (V2-0)/(resistance of amperemeter).

  • M F H M F H

    also note that between V3 and V4 you can replace the 2 resistances of 6 Ohm by 1 resistance of 3 Ohm to simplify

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