Extreme equation problem 

Extreme equation help So my work is offering $6,000 to anyone who can solve this.


I’m no good at math and I’m hoping someone bored on here could help me out. Here is a link to the menu.


these are the numbers: 

9 salad option 3 soup options 26 entrees (13 require temp) 2 veggies 5 starch 18 add ons 6 meat temps

  • Mathe Mathe

    Both links are broken

  • Erdos Erdos

    I can view either of the links too.

  • Mathe Mathe

    You mean you can't*

  • Erdos Erdos

    Oh sorry, I can NOT.

  • Mathe Mathe

    I found the links. The thing is, there are some level of assumptions that have to be made on this. Since the contest ends this weekend, you could wait to see the results of the contest and not Accept our answer if you did not win the prize. It's tricky to answer then.

  • Erdos Erdos

    It works if you copy past the following link in your browser: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc1cbJgp3h2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y

  • There is not enough information given about the possible choices, and one needs to go through the menu for such information to compute what you are asking which is very time consuming for the offered bounty here.

  • Aman R Aman R

    Links are broken! Kindly attach image via latex coding

  • 9 salad option 3 soup options 26 entrees (13 require temp) 2 veggies 5 starch 18 add ons 6 meat temps


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Erdos Erdos
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