Tensor Product
Intro to Tensor Products exercise.
Let $R$ be an integral domain, $F$ its field of fractions and $M$ a left $R$-module.
Look at $F$ as an $F$-$R$-bimodule using the operations of $F$ so that $F⊗_RM$ has a structure of $F$-vector space.
- Show that if $X$ is the generating set of $M$ as $R$-module, then the set $\{1⊗x|x∈X\}$ generates $F⊗_RM$ as $F$-vector space.
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Hey, are the a_i, m_i, r_i, x_i just arbitrary elements? Didn't quite figure that out.
yes they are arbitrary elements, although they may depend on the other elements introduced before. For example in the expansion of the arbitrary element m the r_i and x_i depend on m
The answer is accepted.
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