A question regarding infinite chains and probability.
Hey there! I'm currently studying Phyrronic Skepticism and have come up with a question that will seriously affect the conclusions I reach.
P(n) depends on P(n+1) in such a way that if P(n+1) is true, P(n) has a 99.9% chance of being true. You can extend this indefinitely (so that P(1939532) has a 99.9% chance of being true if P(1939533) is true, and so on)
Is the probability of P(n) being true ultimately 0?
1 Answer
Not necessarily. P(n) could be false for all n > 10, for example.
This does not contradict what Itai is trying to prove. He wants to prove that the probability of P(n) being true converges to zero as n goes to infinity, which is also the case in your example.
None of the cases P(n) have to be true (or with probability 1). In fact, if one case is true for a number N*, they can't be true for any n > N*. The chains would be finite necessarily.
Thanks a ton for the answer! And I do apologize for not being clearer- assuming I understood you correctly, it's important for me to add that if P(n+1) is false then P(n) is also false
I think I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by true/false and your probability statements. Are you familiar with basic measure theory?
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Questions at this level should come with a bounty.
Hey! Im aware, which is why I don't really expect an answer and I don't blame anyone who skips over it. Unfortunately I do not currently have the financial capability to provide a bounty. I figured this was worth a shot.