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if u add 1 to both n and k, shouldn't u add 1 to 2?
You are not adding 1. You are taking N' and K' to be your new N and K. You just want to make sure that $N'$ and $K'$ to be bigger than 2 so you can use the stated results.
and what's the reason behind making n' = k' it was N>= K >= 2
If you just replace $N$ by $N+1$ and $K$ by $N+1$ in (1.3) and (1.4) we get (1.5) and (1.6). I will edit the answer in a minute.
can u explain the reason why u made N' = K' >=2. It was initially N>= K >= 2
N and K are just two general variables, and they can be replaced by any other variables.
Also note that you still have N'>=K'>=2. We just know that N'=K' which also implies N'>=K'>=2.
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