How do you do absolute value equations with inequalities?
So if you have an absolute value equation like $\left | 5+x \right | >7-2x$ how do you go about solving it.
I know how to solve absolute value equations with an equals sign but not with inequalities.
Thanks in advance.
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Where did you the get 5+x ≥ 0 or x ≥ -5 part from?
You add -5 to both sides of the inequality.
You can do pretty much everything with inequalities that you do with equalities. The only difference is that whenever you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, the direction of the inequality switches.
Thanks for the reply what I meant is why do you put a zero on the other side of the inequality? Where does the zero come from.
This comes from the basic fact about absolute values: (i) If A >= 0 then |A|=A (ii) If A<0, then |A|=-A. This is why in general we consider two cases A>=0 and A<0. In this example A=5+x.
- answered
- $5.00
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