Character of 2-dimensional irreducible representation of $S_4$

Consider the 2-dimensional irreducible representation of $S_4$, obtained by composing the standard 2-dimensional irreducible representation of $S_3$ with the surjective homomorphism $f:S_4 \rightarrow S_3, (1  2) \mapsto (1  2), (2  3) \mapsto (1  3), (3   4) \mapsto (1  2)$. Please compute its character directly, without using character table orthogonality relations. Thanks!

  • This is not my area of expertise, but your deadline seems too short for the level of your question and the offered bounty.

  • Dynkin Dynkin

    Your text has typos, it’s not clear what you mean. You want the 3d rep. of. S3 Not S4. The result is then not a 2d rep but a 3d rep, is this what you mean?

  • Jbuck Jbuck

    @Dynkin, sorry yes, I edited the text


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  • Jbuck Jbuck

    Hey there, I hope you're alright! I was wondering if you could help me with some questions this Friday, 10a.m. GMT. I will have around a 2-2.5 hour window and I'm willing to pay $60 per question if you're online and able to answer within the time limit, would you be interested?

  • Jbuck Jbuck

    Sorry, it is actually May 20, 10 a.m. GMT +1. Please let me know if you see this and are interested.

  • Dynkin Dynkin

    Sure, I‘ll keep an eye out, but I can‘t guarantee that I’ll have time.

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