Matrix Calculus (Matrix-vector derivatives)
How to find derivatives of functions consisting of matrices and vectors? For example:
$$f(x) =x^TA^TAx$$
As I understand $$A^TA$$ can be treated as constant? How to treat $$x^T$$
My intuition tells me that somehow derivative should be taken in terms of product, but not sure product of what?

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@Mathe wow, that's great. I will tip you a coffee next time when I will top up my balance. Thanks.
@Mathe Hi, I like your way of explanations. Could you take a look into this thread and let me know if you could work on explanation? I will pay you separately(by creating separate thread), just let me know if you can
Yes, I can. I would be happy to.
@Mathe ok, I will create a separate free question, when you answer I will pay 10$, is it good? (Free so no one will answer it xD)
I think we can do that, I can answer it and you can tip me $10 (buy me coffee).
@Mathe posted it here
@Mathe would you like to explain how backpropagation works? I want to see some example of it for simple MPL(1 input, 1 hidden and 1 output layers). Particularly interested in how Chain Rule is used there
I can, but I would need some time to prepare it. When do you want this?
today by the end of the day, how much would you like to get?
CEST time btw
I would have to rush some things, but I could have it in about 5 hours. Because you want such an specific example, I would charge you $70
@Mathe oh, that’s too much for me. Sorry for bothering you…
No problem. If you are interested I could give you a discount that I have more free time.
- answered
- $5.00
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