How many prime numbers (exact) less or equal to n, for one n, where n>=10^40?

How many prime numbers less or equal to n? The largest n I have now is n=10^25. Thought someone may know existing value bigger than what I know.

  • Low bounty!

  • Gestyue Gestyue

    Not to ask some to calculate it, just thought someone may know the existing list bigger than what I know.


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Kav10 Kav10
  • I need exact answer. Thanks!

    • Kav10 Kav10

      You said in the comments above that you do not want to calculate it and just need to know if someone may know the existing list be bigger than what you know. And that’s why I answered your question with the theorem.

    • Kav10 Kav10

      And you never said exact. You just edited the question to add “exact”. Thanks.

    • Kav10 Kav10

      For an exact number, extensive computational resources would be necessary. Probably some code can be written to do that.

  • Gestyue Gestyue

    Thanks for suggestion. Sorry for confusion.

  • How to resolve this to make you happy?

    • Kav10 Kav10

      What do you mean?

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