Reverse this equation/function (2d to isometric)
I have a function that transforms x and y points on a 2d grid to the equivalent x and y on an isometric grid. Are you able to reverse the equation so that when given isometric x,y we end up with 2d coordinates?
Here's the function in psuedo code
var tileWidth = 128 var tileHeight = 128 var isoWidth = tileWidth / 2 var isoHeight = tileHeight / 2 var isoXOffset = isoWidth / 2 var isoYOffset = 0 2dtoIso(x, y){ var origin2dX = x * tileWidth var origin2dY = y * tileHeight var originIsoX = origin2dX / 2 + y * -1 * isoHeight + isoXOffset var originIsoY = origin2dY / 4 + (x / 2) * isoHeight + isoYOffset return (originIsoX,originIsoY) }Thanks for trying. I'm stumped :)
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Some crucial information seems to be missing. What the number 128 represent? what are the variables you have defined represent?
Also given that this is a non-standard question, it may take a while for someone to figure it out. So I would say the offered bounty is low.
It's used to draw isometric tiles on a screen so the 128 is pixels which is the width of a tile. Thanks for the comments. Out of interest why would it take a while to figure out? I personally don't know how to re-arrange something like this but I assumed it would be easy for somebody who knows the rules of algebra
I noticed isoWidth is unused. I assume you meant to use it instead of isoHeight on the 3rd line in the function definition.